Advises Last Names A – G

Zoom Link for Virtual Appointments (must schedule appointment above first):

Office: 105 Noyes Lab

Phone: 217-333-7390


From: Shaker Heights, Ohio

Education: Bachelor’s of Arts in Law and Social Thought, Double Minors in Women’s and Gender Studies, Philosophy from the University of Toledo. Master’s of Arts in African American Studies, with a concentration in Sociology from the University of Los Angeles, California (UCLA).

Hobbies: I love going to the movies, playing board games, reading, bicycling and listening to various types of music.

Best piece of advise for students:

  • Ask questions
  • Utilize the numerous resources here at Illinois
  • Frequent professors’ and/or TA’s office hours
  • Actively participate in a student organization, gain internship and/or co-op experiences, volunteer for positive social causes and become involved in study abroad opportunities
  • Explore, Discover, Learn and Grow!

Interesting Facts: My father is from Togo, West Africa, and my mother is from Cleveland, Ohio. My parents met in a cafeteria at a university in Paris. At the time, my mother had travelled to France to study French literature for a semester at Sorbonne University and my father was completing the last years of his PhD.  I was born in Cleveland, Ohio, and raised in Togo, West Africa. My parents, siblings and I moved to Shaker Heights, Ohio, when I was eleven years old. I am multicultural and trilingual, speaking English, French and Ewe.


photo of academic advisor, Wolali Dedo